Donations and sponsoring
Your donation will help the Sultans Trail Foundation to create a well-marked Sultans Trail and contribute to its development. This will help people on their way to Istanbul! We do welcome anyone that has warm feelings for Sultans Trail as a donor.
choose your payment method
Of course, you can also transfer your donation by using IBAN NL60 TRIO 0254 6400 60. The Sultans Trail Foundation– A European Cultural Route. BIC TRIONL2U. Please indicate that it is a donation. If you include your email address we can say Teşekkürler (‘Thank you’)!
Help with the realization of the Sultans Trail.
Why is it necessary?
The Sultans Trail does not receive subsidies and depends on donations from friends and pilgrims. Since 2010 we started the 2500 kilometer-long pilgrim route from Vienna to Istanbul. From 2020 onwards we are looking for partners in other countries for the continuation of hiking and cycling routes. Help us with a culture of reflection on the freedom to follow your own path in connection with your environment and nature.