What to take?
A walker is depended on the weather conditions and should therefore be prepared for anything. A fairly complete equipment consists of:
- sturdy, well-run walking shoes;
- socks, seamless and perfectly adapted, so not to loose (causing risk of wrinkling and the foot will slip into the sock);
- shirts or blouses, two pieces, with or without short sleeves;
- two pants, lightweight, nice fabric, with detachable legs or one long and one short;
- fleece jacket;
- underwear 3;
- singlet / t-shirt to sleep in;
- possibly long johns, cold nights to use as pajamas;
- poncho, covering your backpack and a waterproof cover for the backpack;
- any rain pants;
- headgear, a folding hat or baseball cap, a balaclava in cold, sweatband in warm weather;
- handkerchiefs, if necessary paper towels;
- slippers or sandals;
- toiletries and personal gear (e.g. medicines);
- maps and guides;
- swiss army knife;
TIP: A full backpack should never weigh more than 20% of your body weight.
‘Anything you leave at home helps’.